Multi-CDN Availability = [(Total Service Hour per month in Minute) – (Total unscheduled downtime in Minute)] / (Total Service Hour per month in Minute) x 100%.
"Monthly Uptime Percentage" is the percentage of HTTP transactions in which the CDN responds to client requests and delivers the requested content. Monthly Uptime Percentage of the CDN Service is calculated as the number of times the object was delivered successfully divided by the total number of requests.
The following Service Levels and Service Credits are applicable to Customer’s use of the Multi-CDN Service:
Service Standard for Severity 1, 2 & 3 requests as in following table:
Monthly Uptime Percentage
< 99.9%
< 99.5%
No additional traffic cost due to DDoS attack.
Performance Improvement Over Origin web server: The daily global average performance using TOFFS Multi-CDN service will be at least 25% faster than the daily average delivery time for the same page delivered from the customer’s origin server.
If customer is using TOFFS China CDN, the performance improvement will be 50% faster in China.
Three levels of service support are provided:
Basic (included)
Gold (additional 15% of monthly recurring fees)
Platinum (additional 25% of monthly recurring fees)